The Non-Domestic Energy Assessment Procedure (NEAP) is Ireland's official methodology for calculating a Building Energy Rating (BER) for non-domestic buildings.

NEAP software

NEAP software calculates BERs and demonstrates compliance with Part L using the default calculation tool, the Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM), or by other approved software packages. NEAP considers space heating and cooling, water heating, ventilation, and lighting, to calculate the energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in a building. NEAP software packages must be approved by the SEAI and can be classified as Dynamic Simulation Modelling (DSM) or Interface for SBEMie.

SBEM has been developed by BRE on behalf of the UK’s Ministry of Housing, Communities, and Local Government (MHCLG) UK MHCLG has enabled the adaptation of SBEM for official use in Ireland within the framework of NEAP.

NZEB Calculation Methodology and Software for Non-Residential Buildings

The NEAP Software for Non Residential Buildings in the form of the Simplified Building Energy Model for Ireland (SBEMie) has been updated to demonstrate compliance with NZEB and Part L of the Building Regulations and is available to the market for demonstrating compliance with NZEB requirements.

Access SBEMie Software Download

NEAP Tools and Information

NEAP Modelling Guide & Technical Manual

The NEAP Modelling Guide and SBEM Technical Manual is the Republic of Ireland version of the SBEM user manual.

SBEMie Technical Manual

This document is used for recording the details of the various calculation procedures adopted within SBEMie.

BER Assessor Webinars

Here is the following link to access previously delivered Technical Webinars:

NEAP Technical Support

If you have any questions that are not covered by the iSBEM User Guide or NEAP Modelling Guide and SBEM Technical Manual, we recommend that you read the NEAP Technical Bulletinsbefore contacting us.

Elements Adjacent to Unheated Spaces

This guidance enables BER assessors to calculate an area-weighted adjusted U value for elements adjacent to unheated spaces for use in SBEM.

Additional Resources

Previous Versions of iSBEM

This includes an archive of previous versions of the iSBEM software, along with download links and other relevant documentation.

Contact us

Call 01 808 2029
