Customer Charter
Our vision is to be a leading authority driving Ireland's sustainable energy transformation for the benefit of society.
Who are we and what do we do
SEAI is Ireland’s national sustainable energy authority. We work with householders, businesses, communities, and the government to create a cleaner energy future.
Our mission is to be at the heart of delivering Ireland’s energy revolution. You can find out more information about the SEAI Values here.
Our commitment to you
We will:
- Deliver our services to all our customers in a timely, effective, and professional manner.
- Conduct our business in a fair, open, and transparent manner.
- Respect your privacy and confidentiality in accordance with GDPR guidelines.
- Strive for excellence in the development and delivery of programmes and services through consultation and continuous improvement.
- Provide choice in the delivery of our services, while endeavouring to accommodate diversity and physical access needs.
- Provide expert, authoritative, and independent advice and information in a form that best suits your needs.
Customer Action Plan
SEAI commits to delivering our services to all customers in a timely, effective and professional manner. This will be done in accordance with our values and our commitment to Quality Customer Service.
Read our Customer Action PlanHow to submit feedback, an appeal or complaint
Feedback, Complaints and Appeals Policy
We value your opinion (compliments, comments and complaints).
SEAI aims to deliver an efficient and effective service to our customers. We listen to you and use the information we gain from feedback, complaints and appeals to improve our services. We will deal with complaints and appeals in a fair and sympathetic manner and respond based on the timelines below.
Your feedback, both positive and negative, is important to SEAI. We will use this information to make improvements in our programmes.
- Eligibility for schemes which are based on set rules
- Waiting lists for SEAI-contracted works
- Availability of certain measures e.g. windows and doors
- SEAI-registered contractors/assessors/installers etc
- General feedback on SEAI ways of working
- General feedback on SEAI services
This list is not exhaustive and other expressions of dissatisfaction can be directed through the Feedback channel.
Complaints and Appeals
A complaint is a written expression of dissatisfaction where a person believes we did not meet service standards or meet their expectations regarding an SEAI grant or service. Customers can submit a complaint related to errors, delays and unsatisfactory service received.
An appeal is a request for review of a decision under any SEAI grant programme.
Customers can appeal a decision regarding grants, for example:
- If a grant application was rejected and you believe you were in compliance with the all scheme criteria.
- If costs claimed for were deemed ineligible.
Contractors may appeal inspection results in accordance with the Guide to Inspections
Note: A contractor or BER Assessor who has been directly engaged by a customer cannot be dealt with under a complaint or appeal. Any issues an individual may have with a contractor or BER assessor must be raised directly with them and not SEAI.
There are some situations which are not covered by this policy, such as:
- A routine first-time request for a service.
- Criteria for eligibility for grants.
- Issues with customer-appointed contractors or BER assessors
- Matters which are the subject of litigation.
- A request under Freedom of Information, Access to Information on the Environment, or data protection legislation.
- A request for information or an explanation of policy or practice.
- An attempt to reopen a complaint or appeal previously concluded under this policy or to have a complaint or appeal reconsidered where we have already given our final decision following an investigation. If you are still not satisfied, you can ask the Office of the Ombudsman for an independent review of the complaint or appeal.
- Actions of staff which are not related to their role in SEAI.
- A complaint or an appeal will not be dealt with if it is considered on initial examination to be trivial or frivolous. Should this be the case, SEAI will advise you of our views in respect of this and will not deal any further with the complaint or appeal.
If a complaint or appeal is considered to be vexatious, SEAI may choose to limit or cease correspondence with you. This decision will be recorded as part of the record of complaint or appeal.
Unreasonable, vexatious or abusive complainants, along with threats or abuse of staff will not be tolerated and, where appropriate, will be referred to An Garda Síochána.
If other procedures or rights of appeal can help you resolve your concerns, we will give information and advice to help you.
- Complete the online form below.
or - By Post to SEAI, PO Box 119, Cahersiveen, Co. Kerry
Please provide the following information in your postal submission:
- Name
- Contact details (phone and email where possible)
- Grant Application name and/or Reference Number
- Documents to support your complaint.
This will enable us to investigate your complaint promptly and respond to you as soon as possible. If you are making a complaint on behalf of another person, please submit their written agreement for you to represent them.
Online complaints and appeals formWe have a standard procedure in place to handle complaints and appeals in a fair and thorough manner. Upon receiving your complaint or appeal:
SEAI will acknowledge receipt of your complaint or appeal within 5 working days.
We will investigate your complaint or appeal and respond to you within 20 working days from receipt.
If you feel our response did not address your concern adequately and you have additional information or new points that were not previously considered, you can request an escalation of your complaint or appeal.
In this case, you must include the following in your request:
- A clear and concise reason for escalation
- Additional information or new points that were not previously considered for an escalation
Your request must be submitted in writing or by email to SEAI within 20 working days of receiving the original decision.
A response and remedy proposal, if applicable, will be issued within 20 working days of receipt by SEAI.
It is important to note that the decision outcome of the review will constitute SEAI's final position on the matter.
If, for some reason it is not possible for SEAI to respond within the stated timeframes, SEAI will notify you in advance and provide an explanation for the delay. The maximum extension allowed will be 20 working days after the original deadline.
If you remain unhappy with our response to your complaint or appeal, then you can refer it to the Office of the Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman is fair, independent, and free to use. The Ombudsman will ask you for details of your complaint and a copy of our final response to your complaint.
The best way to contact the Ombudsman is by:
- Clicking on the ‘Make A Complaint’ link at
- Write to the Ombudsman at: 6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773
How to contact us
- Phone - 01 808 2100
- Email –
- Post – SEAI, PO Box 119, Cahersiveen, Co. Kerry
- Webchat -