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  • SEAI
  • 3 min read

For 20 years, the SEAI Energy Awards has celebrated the hard work being carried out by organisations and individuals committed to creating a cleaner energy future for everyone.


Since its inception, the awards have set the benchmark in energy best practice, inspiring others by highlighting the new and exciting approaches to sustainable energy.

It is companies like yours and people like you that are setting the benchmark every year. Entering the Awards means so much more than simply completing a form and (fingers crossed!) picking up your Award when it's all over.

The impact is massive and the benefit you will get from it is time well spent. Here are the top five reasons why you should apply for at least one, if not more, award category this year.

1. Join Ireland's Energy Revolution

The SEAI Energy Awards were set up over 20 years ago to showcase excellence in sustainable energy. They continue to highlight energy innovation across Ireland today. The awards celebrate the achievements of individuals, businesses, communities, and organisations across all sectors of the Irish economy who are accelerating away from fossil fuels by using innovative energy solutions. The 11 categories for the 2024 awards cover a wide range of areas and activities that reflect SEAI's key focus areas. By simply entering, you are aligning yourself with the best in sustainable energy and joining 'Ireland's Energy Revolution'.

2. Be recognised

The SEAI Energy Awards recognise and reward excellence in all aspects of energy efficiency and renewable energy. The competition is open to entrants in both the Republic and North of Ireland. Award entrants can use the event to showcase their sustainable energy achievements. As a result, they can win recognition for their ambitious smart energy solutions and practices.

3. Inspire others

Entrants, nominees, and winners of the SEAI Energy Awards are trailblazers in their field of sustainable energy. SEAI wants to showcase and celebrate innovative initiatives that have good replication potential and can be followed by others. We want entrants to encourage the widespread uptake of energy efficiency or renewable energy. By taking part, you are inspiring others to innovate, push boundaries and help Ireland to create a cleaner energy future.

4. Win €10,000

The Excellence in Energy Research and Innovation Award is open to applications from organisations that have researched and developed innovative energy-related technologies, processes, or systems, which will contribute to Ireland's clean energy transition. Applications are welcome from companies, 3rd level educational bodies, public sector bodies and semi-state bodies involved in impactful energy research and innovation. The winner in this category will receive a €10,000 bursary prize to allow them to continue their important work.

5. Attend the awards ceremony

Nominees who are shortlisted for an award will be invited to attend a lunchtime ceremony in Dublin this Autumn. You will have a chance to mingle and network with your counterparts nominated in the eleven different categories. You will get to meet and be inspired by an ambitious group of energy leaders working towards a low carbon energy future for Ireland.

We look forward to continuing to recognise great leaders and visionaries in the sustainable energy sector in Ireland. If you believe that you, your community, or your organisation is among these leaders, we strongly encourage you to enter the SEAI Energy Awards 2024 so that we can shine a light on your achievements and inspire others.

This year we have 11 categories to choose from. You can enter as many categories as you wish. The online application form is easy and straightforward to complete. You can start your entry, save it, come back later, and pick up where you left off.

Take the time now, you won't regret it.

The closing date for entries is 12pm Friday 21st June and the shortlist of finalists will be announced in August with the overall winners awarded at our annual gala event.

Apply Today Read about our winners from 2023

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