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  • William Walsh
  • 3 min read

SEAI recently released our Statement of Strategy 2022 - 2025, an opportunity for us to set out our vision, goals and priorities for the next stage of our development.

Delivering Ireland's energy revolution requires fundamental change across all aspects of Irish society. The way in which we live will change. Sustainable energy needs to be embedded in the way that we provide and use energy every day. The call to action has never been louder.

A time for change

This strategy has been developed against the backdrop of increased climate change urgency, global ambition, and national legislation. Since our last Statement of Strategy, we have also seen a global pandemic have a devastating impact across the world; however, the resulting limitations on travel and other economic sectors demonstrated that collective action can have significant impact on our climate.

Societal movement is necessary

SEAI has a central role in ensuring Ireland achieves the targets in the Climate Action Plan 2021. We do not underestimate the challenge of achieving net-zero by 2050. Dramatic change is needed if we want to cut carbon emissions and remove fossil fuels from our energy system. We must now all be part of the societal movement to an efficient energy system built on renewable energy sources. The quicker that we achieve this, the sooner the broad range of benefits will flow to Irish businesses and citizens in the form of

  • cheaper to run, warmer and healthier budlings,
  • improved air quality,
  • increased business competitiveness,
  • improved security of energy supply and many others.

In making the transition we will make discoveries that will need to be shared internationally to support global success in addressing the climate crisis.

Impact of Ukraine invasion

Experience of the recent invasion of Ukraine demonstrates our current energy insecurity and vulnerability to price shocks. So our only response can be to accelerate away from our dependence on imported fossil fuels.

Our vision for next 4 years

Our vision, as set out in this strategy, is to be a leading authority driving Ireland's sustainable energy transformation for the benefit of Irish society. We passionately believe in this transformation; we know it must happen and we will work tirelessly to achieve it. Over the next four years, I will work with the staff of SEAI to deliver Ireland's energy revolution by driving the reduction and replacement of fossil fuel usage. We will partner with Irish citizens, communities, businesses and Government in doing so. This strategy sets out six strategic goals, all of which are focused on delivering on our targets. We will build the internal capacity and collaborate with others to enable this delivery.

The demands on Ireland's energy and environment require us to work at pace and to deliver ever greater results. That is what we intend to do. Not just because it is our mission, but because it will provide a better life for individuals, businesses, and communities long into the future. If we achieve our mission our legacy will be a healthy Ireland and a healthy planet for future generations.


I look forward to the next phase of SEAI's important journey and in realising our vision for Ireland's sustainable energy transformation.

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William Walsh |Chief Executive Officer

William Walsh is Chief Executive Officer in SEAI, having previously held the position of both Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer. William joined SEAI 2013. Prior to joining SEAI he worked for IFI where he held a number of roles including Assistant Chief Executive Officer and Director. Prior to that he held senior management positions in the private sector. William is a Chartered Accountant, holds a Bachelor of Business Studies from Dublin City University and a Graduate Diploma in Strategy, Innovation and Change from UCD.