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The public sector energy programme offers comprehensive support and engagement to guide public bodies in reaching their energy saving targets.


How we help you

The public sector energy programme is an essential pillar in the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan and the government's Public Sector Energy Efficiency Strategy. We provide the tools, training, and advice to integrate energy management into the general management of public sector organisations.

Available supports

Whatever your experience or progress to date, we can tailor our supports to meet your needs. If your organisation is committed to saving energy and money, we have the practical resources to help you fulfil that commitment. These include:

  • Energy management training and mentoring (ISO50001 or Energy MAP)
  • Onsite energy assessments
  • Energy efficient design
  • Energy project implementation
  • Dedicated energy advisor
  • Energy reporting advice
  • Best practice guidance and networking

The benefits

Structured energy management

Energy management aims to achieve your objectives for minimum energy costs. Organisations select an energy management programme appropriate to their level of energy spend. We will advise and mentor you implement and maintain the programme most suited to your needs. We have a range of energy management diagnostic tools, providing you with the best options for your energy use levels.

Staff engagement tools

Learn more about how your organisation can implement a staff engagement programme on energy saving in the workplace. Our supports focus on behavioural change and how you can manage this successfully. Download our resources to help you get started.

Learn more about staff engagement tools

Highlights from the 2023 Public Sector Energy Conference

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Procurement practices

Energy efficient procurement is good procurement. It reduces energy consumption, delivers environmental benefits, and saves money. Public bodies can save money by:

  • Procuring energy supplies through the Office of Government Procurement (OGP)
  • Only procuring equipment and vehicles that we classify as Triple E or equivalent
  • Procuring energy services using the principles of energy performance contracting
  • Incorporating energy efficiency at the design stage of capital projects

Green Public Procurement

Ireland is committed to policies that promote Green Public Procurement (GPP). The public sector has considerable purchasing power with an annual spend of around €15 billion in goods and services. This leverage can be used to encourage the market to provide energy efficient goods and services.

Contact us

Email [email protected]