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Behavioural insights on energy efficiency in the residential sector

Behavioural Insights for Policy series: Evidence review 

Year: 2017 

Topic: Home retrofit 

Methodology: Literature review 

Author: SEAI 


This report brings together research findings and knowledge gathered by SEAI over the previous six years on householders' attitudes to improving the energy efficiency of their homes. Main barriers to the uptake of energy efficiency measures are identified and presented within a conceptual framework for the consumer decision-making process along with key 'touch points'.  Various models of financing and the design of support schemes are also examined to find the most attractive design mix for consumers. Research is gathered from consumer surveys, focus groups, design thinking exercises, pilots and trials, and data analysis. The key findings are of use to policymakers, programme delivery agents, intermediaries looking to drive and deliver household upgrades and anyone else seeking to support the delivery of improved energy efficiency in the residential sector. 
