A quarter of all Ireland's energy use is directly by all homes, known as the residential sector.
*This webpage will be retired soon and replaced by new webpages with interactive data panels. Please visit the 'Annual Energy Data - Residential' webpage to access the updated content.
Residential sector has a large share of energy use
The residential sector accounts for almost one quarter of the energy used in Ireland. It is also responsible for 15.5% of the energy-related CO2 emissions. The fuel shares are relatively stable, with a gradual increase in the share of electricity, gas and of renewables and a continuing though gradual decline in coal, peat and oil use. It is notable that electricity consumption over the period was at its highest in 2022.
Residential Final Energy Demand
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Residential Final Energy (ktoe),Residential Final Energy Demand,Weather Corrected Residential Final Energy Demand 2005,3295.9276,3362.937299 2006,3319.383882,3425.475232 2007,3269.668743,3459.465957 2008,3580.41957,3443.511615 2009,3481.179493,3343.102052 2010,3638.751113,3193.610874 2011,3195.04414,3171.788307 2012,3039.657828,2906.735072 2013,2959.789063,2811.121958 2014,2676.55378,2671.833982 2015,2844.819113,2730.288909 2016,2950.731018,2866.474054 2017,2824.865886,2822.933519 2018,3011.937318,2909.136903 2019,2935.61828,2886.096162 2020,3195.007974,3178.465277 2021,3075.190553,3015.603537 2022,2708.37961,2802.127264
Final residential energy use by fuel type
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Residential Final Energy by fuel (ktoe),Coal,Peat,Oil,Natural Gas,Renewables,Electricity 2005,252,280,1541,622,20,648 2006,227,295,1525,657,23,699 2007,223,291,1577,635,34,701 2008,219,267,1561,638,31,728 2009,254,259,1503,595,39,693 2010,216,216,1402,606,38,716 2011,216,239,1400,564,41,711 2012,228,203,1170,568,46,692 2013,251,204,1063,568,48,677 2014,236,200,989,534,51,662 2015,235,191,1047,527,59,672 2016,248,190,1148,543,64,673 2017,196,188,1135,555,65,684 2018,208,188,1168,578,68,698 2019,182,180,1176,579,73,697 2020,194,188,1377,586,85,749 2021,181,176,1227,580,95,756 2022,130,168,1104,564,120,718
Dominance of oil
Oil remains the dominant fuel in the residential sector. Electricity was the second largest source of energy in the sector in 2022, with natural gas having the next largest share.
Weather corrected oil and gas use
Changes in oil consumption caused most of the fluctuation in residential energy use between recent years.
A likely reason for the higher fluctuation in oil consumption may be the volatility in oil prices. Additionally, the majority of oil-fired homes are located in rural areas and constructed as detached buildings (with more external wall area). Finally, rural areas may offer greater opportunity to fuel switch from oil to solid fuels.
Total electricity consumption had peaked in 2008, having more than doubled since 1990. It reduced between 2008 and 2014, but since grew yearly — reaching a new peak in 2022. There is evidence that the growth of large household appliances is levelling off. At the same time, there has been an increase in appliance efficiency. Additionally, there was an increase in electricity prices over the period.
Use of renewables for final energy directly in households has grown each year since 2016. New building regulations require new homes to generate a portion of their energy from renewable energy, and this has seen a large increase in the use of solar thermal water heating, solar PV electricity, and heat pumps which provide renewable ambient energy.
Final energy by end-use
Electricity,Space heating,70.76 Electricity,Water heating,88.4 Electricity,Cooking,52.55 Electricity,Lighting and appliances,511.92 Electricity,Other end uses,27.83 Gas,Space heating,417.55 Gas,Water heating,157.79 Gas,Cooking,14.42 Gas,Lighting and appliances,0 Gas,Other end uses,0 Solid Fuels,Space heating,355.57 Solid Fuels,Water heating,36.17 Solid Fuels,Cooking,0 Solid Fuels,Lighting and appliances,0 Solid Fuels,Other end uses,0 Oil,Space heating,1014.05 Oil,Water heating,299.27 Oil,Cooking,1.41 Oil,Lighting and appliances,0 Oil,Other end uses,0 Renewables,Space heating,50.58 Renewables,Water heating,30.2 Renewables,Cooking,0 Renewables,Lighting and appliances,0 Renewables,Other end uses,0
Challenge of gathering end-use data
It's important for us to understand how energy is consumed in homes. In particular, it is useful to know the portion of energy consumed for the main end-uses. These include space heating, water heating, cooking, lighting and electric appliances. For 2020 we estimate that 61% of all energy used in households was for space heating, 20% for water heating, 16% for lighting & appliances, and 2% for cooking.
We cannot collect data on energy by end-use in the same way as by fuel type. For example, it's not possible to know from an electricity meter reading how much electricity is used for for water heating versus appliances. To estimate the split, SEAI developed a model of household energy use based on information from the BER database.
Energy-related CO₂ emissions
Residential Carbon Emissions (ktCO2),Coal,Peat,Oil,Natural Gas,Electricity 2005,989,1170,4564,1443,4775 2006,877,1216,4439,1504,4819 2007,835,1163,4458,1414,4523 2008,922,1195,4951,1593,4671 2009,1070,1161,4763,1492,4260 2010,1016,1085,4952,1697,4527 2011,873,1034,4262,1360,4050 2012,968,915,3733,1430,4319 2013,1078,929,3413,1422,3747 2014,953,855,2979,1272,3546 2015,995,858,3313,1323,3701 2016,1036,842,3575,1316,3820 2017,792,807,3409,1296,3554 2018,876,841,3658,1411,3166 2019,753,787,3602,1387,2734 2020,789,811,4156,1387,2703 2021,753,774,3775,1404,3068 2022,508,692,3171,1280,2752
CO2 emissions by fuel source
The chart shows residential energy-related CO2 emissions split by fuel source. Oil, gas, coal and peat are burnt directly within the home. We also factor in CO2 emissions from electricity generating stations producing electricity for homes.
Electricity use was the largest source of CO2 emissions from households from 1990 up to 2017. From 2018 onwards, emissions from electricity were overtaken by those from oil consumption.
Final energy per dwelling
Energy intensity per dwelling,Non-electric energy,Non-electric (Weather corrected),Electricity 2005,21755,22286,5303 2006,20871,21683,5528 2007,19978,21395,5377 2008,21542,20547,5547 2009,20553,19572,5160 2010,20950,17875,5302 2011,17505,17348,5023 2012,16412,15523,4896 2013,15864,14876,4764 2014,13956,13925,4591 2015,14931,14179,4669 2016,15576,15025,4638 2017,14465,14453,4626 2018,15398,14744,4688 2019,14719,14409,4600 2020,15885,15783,4869 2021,14853,14489,4868 2022,12636,13199,4513
In 2022 the average home used 17.15 MWh of energy — split into 74% from direct fuel (non-electric) and 26% from electricity.
Weather correction yields a lower normalised energy consumption in cold years (e.g. 2010), and yields a higher normalised consumption in mild years (e.g. 2007).
Annual variations in weather affect the space heating requirements of occupied buildings. Weather correction involves adjusting the energy used for space heating by benchmarking the weather in a particular year with that of a long-term average measured in terms of numbers of degree days.
Energy-related CO₂ emissions per home
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CO2 emissions per home,Total CO2,Non-electrical CO2,Electricity CO2 2005,9.14,5.76,3.37 2006,8.79,5.49,3.3 2007,8.26,5.25,3.02 2008,8.67,5.63,3.04 2009,8.09,5.39,2.71 2010,8.24,5.43,2.81 2011,7.02,4.56,2.46 2012,6.85,4.25,2.6 2013,6.35,4.1,2.25 2014,5.72,3.61,2.11 2015,6.04,3.84,2.19 2016,6.24,3.99,2.25 2017,5.73,3.66,2.07 2018,5.71,3.89,1.82 2019,5.24,3.69,1.55 2020,5.5,3.99,1.51 2021,5.39,3.7,1.69 2022,4.57,3.08,1.5
Overall energy related CO₂ emissions
In 2022 the average home emitted 4.6 tonnes of energy-related CO2. Of this total, 67% were from direct-fuel use, and 33% indirectly from electricity use.
Emissions of energy-related CO2 per home fell by 45% since 2001. After decreases in the CO2 intensity of grid electricity, increases in home CO2 emissions have diverged from increases in home energy use.
Fuel use
The fall and rise in fuel emissions simply reflect the fall and rise in the burning of fossil fuels, particularly oil.
Electricity use
Home CO2 emissions from electricity reduced by 33% during the last ten years. This long-term decline reflects the reductions in usage and carbon intensity of grid electricity.
SEAI National BER research tool
The BER Research Tool gives researchers access to statistical data from the Building Energy Rating (BER) scheme which is administered by SEAI. The BER certificate indicates the annual primary energy usage and carbon dioxide emissions associated with the provision of space heating, water heating, ventilation and lighting to the home. This tool provides access to information on all aspects of construction that affect the energy performance of homes. Results can be viewed on screen or downloaded in the form of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Go to National BER research toolEnergy in the Residential Sector report
Our Energy in the Residential Sector 2018 report provides detailed data and analysis. It also offers a comparison of Irish homes to those of other EU countries.
Go to latest Energy in the Residential Sector report