This session was aimed at businesses, public sector organisations and/or a food producers who used large amounts of energy.

10.30am - 13.00pm, Wednesday 27th March, Minerva Suite, RDS

About this event

Do you use a large amount of heat every year?

Renewable heat delivered from biomass fuel is one of the lowest cost renewable energy forms. If you are a business, public sector organisation and/or a food producer, you can save significant amounts off your fuel bills by switching to bioenergy. You will also be able to avail of government supports. While the economics are attractive, lack of familiarity with the technologies and the supply chain are often barriers to investment – where do you start on a bioenergy project?

The session helped you understand what supports – financial and technical – are available and understand the high level details of delivering a bioenergy project.

The session aimed to:

  • Bring heat users considering investing in a renewable technology into a room with companies active in the heat supply chain.
  • Explain what support will be available and how much you could receive.
  • Present an overview of best practice and provide best practice guides for these projects.
  • Listen to the experience of others that use biomass fuel for heat.
  • Show how the supply chains are engaging in delivering high standards of installations and fuel supply.

The session concluded with a panel Q&A session and some light refreshments where participants will have the opportunity to network.


  • Matthew Clancy, SEAI, Bioenergy Policy Landscape
  • PJ Mcloughlin, SEAI, Bioenergy Non-financial supports
  • Ray Langton, SEAI, Support Scheme for Renewable Heat (SSRH)
  • Noel Gavigan, IrBEA (Irish Bioenergy Association): Wood Fuel Quality Assurance Scheme (WFQA)
  • Sean Finan, IrBEA, Biomass Designer and Biomass Installer Registers

Typical Audience

Commercial heat users with greater than a €7,500 heating bill.