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What makes a winning entry? Learn more about our overarching principles and the top tips for submitting a prize-winning application.


Overarching Principles

Benefits of the project / activities

How have the actions led to the development of projects, systems or services? How have the approaches impacted on energy use? There must be an understanding of why the related actions occurred and of the expected energy demand reduction identified.

Innovative and replicable

SEAI want to showcase innovative initiatives that have good replication potential which can be followed by others. Also those that will encourage the widespread uptake of energy efficiency or renewable energy.

Energy Demand Reduction / Clean Energy Use

SEAI will reward teams or individuals delivering programmes that actually demonstrate or have the potential to achieve significant reduction in energy demand or increased use of renewables. How were the impacts and benefits measured and reported?

Implementation approach

Applicants should demonstrate how the initiatives have been carried out in an efficient and effective manner, and where relevant, with buy-in and support from the wider organisation and stakeholders.

Tips for submitting a prize-winning application

  1. Read the category description and make sure you enter the right category for your organisation.
  2. Answer all the questions methodically, including key data and achievements.
  3. Keep your answers short and within the suggested wordcount. The judges are not expecting lengthy answers.
  4. Use charts, graphs etc. to illustrate results. Attach all your documents in the 'Attachments' section on the online form. Do not exceed 5MB.
  5. Describe the impact that your actions have had on your organisation and beyond.
  6. Be sure to highlight your creativity and innovation.
  7. The judges are especially interested in projects that can be replicated by other organisations. Include information on how this has happened or how it may happen.
  8. Do not rush your application. Take time to think through your answers and speak to your colleagues about your entry.
  9. Enter your project under more than one category if applicable.
  10. Complete before the deadline of 5pm, Friday 28th June 2024.