Defective concrete blocks affected homeowners
Defective concrete block (DCB) affected homeowners can apply for SEAI home energy upgrade grants.
The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan, on 13th June announced measures that will help households availing of the Enhanced Defective Concrete Block (DCB) Scheme to also access Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) grants to improve the energy performance of their homes.
Where works commence after the 13th June announcement, DCB homeowners should engage with a One Stop Shop registered provider or an SEAI Registered Contractor to avail of home energy grants:
Solar PV
EV home chargers
Information on EV home chargers
One Stop Shop Services
Where energy efficiency works are complete or currently underway, please contact SEAI on: Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Registration form
If you have already completed this form, you do not need to register again.
A Pre-works BER is required to avail of the One Stop Shop service.
A BER of B2 or better must be achieved on completion of energy upgrade works. A primary energy improvement of 100kWh/m2/year in your BER must be achieved, therefore, a) single measure applications or b) windows and door only applications are not eligible for support under the OSS service. Further guidance on this requirement should be sought from your Competent Building Professional and BER Assessor.
Individual energy upgrades
Please complete the registration form:
For the Individual Energy Upgrade grants, SEAI will contact you following receipt of this information to guide on how to progress your application. If you have already completed this form, you do not need to register again.
Claimed works confirmation
When claiming an SEAI grant, the homeowner and the competent building professional must confirm with the designated Local Authority that they have incurred costs for the claimed works that are in excess of the DCB Remediation grant level and that those elements of the works are not funded through any other scheme (including the DCB Remediation Scheme).
In the meantime, for further information on eligibility and the DCB energy efficiency measures available to you, please read through our FAQs.
If you require further assistance or have any other queries, contact us at:
- Tel: 01 8082004 and select option 5 on the menu or
- Email: where we will put you in touch with our dedicated team for DCB affected homeowners.
Yes, given the exceptional circumstances of DCB homes, where an existing energy upgrade, previously supported is removed during DCB remediation works (e.g., demolition), the home will be eligible for support for this same measure/upgrade. If you experience any issues with your application, contact the SEAI for support at
Please complete the registration from:
Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Registration
SEAI will contact you following receipt of this information to provide guidance on how to progress your application.
Note: if you have already completed this form, you do not need to register again.
There is no pre works BER needed for the following SEAI grant support schemes:
- Individual Energy Upgrades
- Solar PV
- EV home charger
If the homeowner is availing of the OSS service a pre works BER published in the last five years is required. If you are in a situation where a pre works BER is not possible e.g. where a dwelling is demolished please contact the SEAI for support at
It is expected the energy efficiency upgrade aspect of the project will be concurrent with the wider DCB remediation works and therefore overseen by the same Competent Building Professional appointed by the homeowner. When the project is finished, the homeowner’s Competent Building Professional will confirm the works are completed in compliance with the SEAI scheme requirements and the Building Regulations.
Yes, you are eligible to apply for the Home Energy Upgrade Loan Scheme providing the works involved meet the criteria of the scheme.
Key eligibility criteria include:
- The upgrades must be eligible for an SEAI grant and be projected to achieve a minimum 20% uplift on the current energy performance, of the dwelling based on the BER.
- A pre works BER is required on the home to be remediated.
Please use the link below for full eligibility criteria and further details on the scheme: