Improving the Triple E Register
SEAI are implementing changes to the Triple E Register to improve the experience for vendors and purchasers alike.
Stakeholder feedback
Our team has spoken to many stakeholders over the years to gather feedback on the register. SEAI know that users of the register are focused on quality (which primarily relates to product criteria), and user experience improvement. Here is some of the feedback we’ve received.
Vendors’ feedback:
- Want to contribute to product criteria
- Care about the quality of products in the register
- Want a better experience lodging and managing products on the register
Purchasers’ feedback:
- Want a range of products and vendors that suit different needs
- Want new technologies to be added as markets evolve
- Need a more contemporary experience that provides the information they need to make purchasing simple
This list features an overview of the stakeholder conversations our team has had in the last couple of years. Based on what we’ve learnt so far, we have developed a roadmap of improvement activities that is focused on the quality and experience aspects mentioned.
Next steps
SEAI have planned several initiatives, which should improve Triple E services. At times this can be a complex process: including the needs of stakeholders, improving IT systems to resolve the challenges, and working with our suppliers on the many pieces of the puzzle.
Here are the key focus areas we are working on:
Development of a new platform
- Better product application process
- Improved criteria management
- Faster update of products in the register
We think there are some great opportunities to apply a modern experience to the register, which will make work within the platform much easier. We will move into the development phase during the coming year.
Update of criteria
- Refresh of criteria across many technologies in the register.
- The new criteria will be published in the new Triple E platform when complete.
Our technical panel extensively reviewed the existing criteria, updating for industry best practise and up-to-date EU market requirements. We used their drafts to show interested stakeholders what was being proposed and incorporated feedback into a final version.
There will be a further refresh around the time we make the new platform live.
Rejuvenation of the register’s products
- Looking at ageing products
- Finding ways to help our registrants change the old for the new
Our technical panel completed a review of their product portfolios, looking at the evolution of the technologies over time to identify when significant efficiency improvements have occurred in their different markets. We learned that many products should be looked at by ourselves and our vendors to determine if they are still the best in class.
We want to communicate with this group during 2024 to provide options on how to review their product line-ups and decide if replacement with current offerings would be beneficial.