Registering a product
Log in to your existing account or create a new account to register products for Triple E.
Steps to register a product
See the steps below for registering products on the Triple E product register. Find out more in the detailed Triple E Submission Process Guidelines.
Step 1: Check the register
Check if the product has already been published on the Triple E register. If there is more than one supplier, the manufacturer or main agent should submit the product details and list suppliers.
Step 2: Understand the technology criteria
Ensure products meet the technology criteria, and that you understand the supporting documentation. You must have products available to supply within 5 working days of a request from SEAI once you have submitted them.
Step 3: Create a Triple E account
You then need to create a Triple E account. Click on the create account button and complete the online form. You will then receive an email requiring you to confirm your registration and validate your account. Information provided during registration is linked to published products.
Two types of account
- Primary account - the first Triple E account created for an organisation
- Secondary account - if there is already an account for your organisation, multiple secondary accounts can be created
If your company is listed in the dropdown menu, you should create a secondary account. Otherwise you should create a primary account. An email address can only be used to create an account once.
Unable to log into your Triple E account?
- If you no longer have access to your company’s account or the main account holder has left the company, please contact us at to update your details.
- If you have forgotten your password, click on the “Forgot Your Password” link at the bottom of the Login box. A new password will be sent to your email address. The account will be locked if you incorrectly submit your password 3 times, and you will need to email us to have it unlocked.
Step 4: Submit basic product details
Submit the basic details of your product using the online submission process. No technical documentation is required at this stage.
Step 5: Submit documentation
Once the product details are checked, we will email a request for supporting documentation. This must be uploaded through your Triple E account within 5 working days. Details of documentation needed is in the appendix of each technology criteria document. Documentation may not be required for all product submissions. Alternatively, we may need additional documentation if product evidence is insufficient.
Step 6: Successful product listing
At the end of each submission round, we send the list of successfully checked products to the DCCAE. They authorise and publish in a Statutory Instrument before updating the Triple E register. This update can take 8 weeks after the close of the submission round.
Errors | Action |
Blank rows left either at row 6 or between product types, or cells not completed | Not all required product cells have been completed, or incorrect notation used |
Repeating product names, product codes within the file | All product codes and names must be unique, both within a submission batch and the Triple E system. Change product codes and names |
Product code is already uploaded to Triple E system |
Notify SEAI admin at
Not completing information as set out in template, use of non-whole numbers, comma, kWs etc., selecting more than 2 columns for product types where only one can be selected | Correct mistake as advised |
Space after web address | Delete |
Efficiency / eligibility levels not achieved as per criteria requirements e.g. Biomass boiler < 50kW etc. | Correct mistake as advised |
Errors | Action |
Document will not upload | The document must be unique to account holder's profile It must be .pdf format File size is limited to 5MB, larger files can be uploaded by SEAI admin in exceptional cases |
Submission isn’t successful | Hit ‘add document’ or return and create a blank row, then select ‘remove document’ to delete the blank row Check page cell number has been completed. Documents are not assigned to all products and conditions The submission will not be successful unless 100% of tasks are completed for the batch |
Insufficient documentation | Notify us via and request that the product in question is deleted |
There are a number of limitations on how third parties can market and promote Triple E listed products and the associated incentive schemes.
Usage of SEAI Logo / References to SEAI
- The SEAI corporate logo cannot be used on any publications or in any visual medium in respect of the Triple E Products Register or the associated incentive schemes*. This includes but is not limited to advertising (print or broadcast), printed brochures, flyers, direct mail, retail point of sale materials, web/online collateral, vehicles and phone directories.
- No references may be made to SEAI which may infer any form of endorsement, approval or specific partnership.
- If you are currently using the SEAI logo, or Triple E or incentive scheme imagery in your marketing material and have not received prior approval to do so from SEAI, then these materials must be withdrawn from circulation immediately.
*Note that the SEAI logo is used by third parties in the operation of other SEAI administered programmes but in tightly defined and controlled circumstances.
References to Triple E
Products List
Where particular products are in fact included on the Triple E Products Register, then this may be stated in marketing collateral but only in respect of those particular products.
Statement should read ‘This Product [indicate make and model] is listed on the SEAI Triple E Products Register (and qualifies for the <insert appropriate incentive scheme/s>)”. Such statements must not extend to products not listed or to the company in general.
Product Suppliers
Where a supplier is listed with a Triple E products register product, then the following statement may be included: ‘[Company Name] is a supplier of [indicate make and model of product(s)] which is (are) listed on the SEAI Triple E Products Register, and qualifies for the <insert appropriate incentive schemes>’.
In neither case may statements suggest, directly or otherwise, 'membership of lists' or 'approval by SEAI'. All references to the Triple E Products Register or the associated incentive schemes within any advertising / marketing collateral require prior approval from SEAI.
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