Public sector partnership programme
Our public sector partnership programme helps public bodies to save money, improve the environment, and meet national energy saving obligations.
Journey to 2050
Commitment & Joint Partnership -
Large scale and targeted investments -
Modelling gap to target -
Optimise & Deliver
Scale up approach based on learnings from previous phase -
Larger scale retrofit
Public Bodies have been tasked with becoming Net Zero no later than 2050. There is a milestone target on that journey to reduce energy related carbon emissions by 51%, and increase energy efficiency to 50% by 2030. This will not be an easy task. SEAI have developed a high-level approach, while providing supports to guide you along this journey.
By committing to the energy efficiency and carbon reduction targets, Partnership allows public bodies access to enhanced supports. SEAI can then help public bodies mobilise towards their 3030 and 2050 journey. From energy management and embedding best practices, to pathfinder support for resources. Building momentum through action is fundamental.
Delivering your services whilst using the minimal amount of energy must be continually optimised. Advanced energy management, continued commitment and utilising Energy Efficient Design principles to challenge energy requirements into the future are key supports from SEAI. Also optimising an approach to continued investment.
Commit to energy management
The Partnership Programme is our most comprehensive support package for large organisations. It is offered in return for your commitment to working toward public sector targets. You will work with our experts to assess the saving potential in your organisation. We will guide you to develop strategy. Energy management programme and project pipeline, all feeding into your energy performance. In return, you commit to driving the programme forward, and aim for year on year savings of over 4.25% from the 2016 – 2018 CO2 emissions baseline.
What is involved
First, senior management. This is done through both board level support and a signed commitment. What is expected once your organisation has made this commitment?
- Work with SEAI to achieve our 2030 and 2050 energy decarbonisation targets and deliver on the wider Public Sector Mandate.
- Embed an energy management programme appropriate to the size of our organisation.
- Develop a project pipeline towards 2030 energy decarbonisation targets and plan strategically towards achieving net zero by 2050
- Report annually on our organisation and building stock energy performance.
- Work with SEAI to undertake an annual review of our energy management and energy decarbonisation actions.
- Report our energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission reductions progress annually to SEAI.
- Consider energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission reductions when procuring and designing equipment and facilities.
- Collaborate with SEAI to communicate the benefits of energy-related climate action.
Our core support strands are aligned with SEAI’s Critical Success Factors; Strategy, Energy Management, Project Pipeline and Energy Performance. A Partnership Support Manager is also appointed to you. They are an independent energy consultant funded by the SEAI to assist you. They will engage with you on a high level to deliver long term savings.
Express your interestCurrent partners
Many of the largest energy consuming public sector organisations are working with us to maximise their energy efficiency. We currently work in partnership with over 100 public sector organisations across the country. These organisations have set the example, and you now have the opportunity to benefit from their success.
"We found the structured approach from SEAI and particularly their energy advisors and supports to be very effective in helping us to deliver cost savings. Commitment of employees throughout the company, led by local and central energy teams has proved to be the key to unlocking energy and cost savings. We’re confident that more savings can be achieved now that we have a system in place.”
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