The ‘Energy in Ireland’ animated videos have been created for 12 – 15 year old students and their educators to help understand and explore the current climate change situation and what can be done to help.

The videos are based on SEAI’s annual ‘Energy In Ireland 2022’ report which presents the latest official statistics on Ireland’s Energy Use. Our videos make high-level statistics on Ireland’s energy transition and climate policy more accessible and easy to understand for young people. This initiative is an on-going collaboration between the SEAI Statistics and SEAI Education & Youth Teams with external input from teachers and education specialists.

The videos have been designed to be used in the classroom environment or to be watched independently. After each video you can find related questions that students can engage with after watching.

1. Clean Energy Generation

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Click on the question to reveal the answer.

Answer: Oil

Answer: 80%

Answer: Local councillors, TDs, local community groups, teachers

Discuss: What do you think you could do now and in the future to have an impact on reducing CO2 emissions? Share your thoughts with your class.

2. Our Biggest GHGs Emitters

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Click on the question to reveal the answer.

Answer: Agriculture, Transport and Electricity generation

Answer: Cows

Answer: 10 Megatons

Discuss: Were you surprised that agriculture had such high emissions? Discuss with the rest of your class.

3. 2030 Carbon Emissions Targets

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Click on the question to reveal the answer.

Answer: 51%

Answer: Electricity generation.

Activity: What do you think would have a bigger impact on reducing emissions: electrifying Ireland's railways or banning the sale of new diesel and petrol cars? Find data and analyze with your friends and try to come to an agreed conclusion.

Tip: Try to create conclusions based on your knowledge and also by finding more information on SEAI’s Schools and SEAI’s Data & Insights resources. This can help young people to understand the complexity of analysing the data when we are making making policy decisions on important issues such a climate change.

4. Real Change Starts Small

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Click on the question to reveal the answer.

Answer: Banning free plastic bags and stopping new oil and gas exploration.

Answer: 50%.

Discuss: What do you think is the best way to inspire everyone across Irish society to do their part for climate action? Talk about your ideas with your class.

5. Carbon Budgets

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Click on the question to reveal the answer.

Answer: We need to double it. (40% up to 80%).

Answer: Wind, Solar and Biofuels.

Discuss: Did you already know that 40% of Ireland’s electricity was renewable? If you could change just one thing about Ireland’s energy tomorrow, what would that be? Let your classmates know your thoughts.

Areas of further discussion

  • Does talking about climate change stress you out?
  • Do you ever talk to our friends about climate change?
  • Were you surprised by any of the information you learned watching the videos? What surprised you the most?
  • Do you ever wonder what Ireland will look like in 2050?

Your feedback

To make this publication as valuable and accessible as possible for young people and their educators, we would love to hear feedback from students, teachers and parents.

Please send us your feedback using this form.