AFLOWT is a five year project aiming to demonstrate the survivability and cost-competitiveness of a floating offshore wind technology.
Key project details
2018 - 2022
Planned duration of the project -
€31.13 million
Total project budget -
Research partner
About Accelerating market uptake of Floating Offshore Wind Technology
Accelerating market uptake of Floating Offshore Wind Technology (AFLOWT) is an Interreg funded project that aims to demonstrate the survivability and cost-competitiveness of floating offshore wind (FOW) technology.
The project will see SAIPEM’s Hexafloat technology deployed and demonstrated along the French Mediterranean coast at the MISTRAL test site. MISTRAL’s license for 10 MW floating offshore wind was obtained in 2014.
The project will also support the development of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland’s Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site (AMETS) off the west coast of Ireland, Belmullet, Co. Mayo. Site development includes onshore civil works for substation build and grid reinforcements and offshore works for electricity export cable deployment. AMETS is to be ready for offshore energy technology deployment by the end of the AFLOWT project in 2023.
Key aims of the AFLOWT project
AFLOWT will accelerate the market uptake of floating offshore wind by:
- Engaging project developers and investors on floating offshore wind technology maturity and investability
- Stimulating favourable policy environment
- Developing an active supply chain
- Demonstrating an innovative cost competitive floating platform to access Europe’s highest energy sites
AFLOWT partners
The partners involved in delivering the OPIN project are:
- Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
- European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC)
- Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN)
- University College Cork
- Electricity Supply Board International
- Fraunhofer institute for Wind Energy Systems
- Cable Life Cycle Assurance (CaLiCyA)