Solar map
A map of Ireland’s solar energy resources providing detailed information on solar irradiation as well as approximate locations of grid-connected and planned solar farms.
SEAI’s Solar Atlas is a digital map of Ireland’s solar energy resources. It provides detailed information on solar irradiation, as well as the details and approximate locations of both grid-connected and planned solar farms. Other information pertinent to the planning process is also available to help assess the suitability of solar resources in certain areas.
The aim of this map is to aid policy makers, local governments and community groups in the initial planning stages for solar farm development. Additionally, the map is also intended to be educational and informative for the general public on Ireland’s current solar resource potential.
It is important that we make use of our current resources in the most practical and data-driven ways possible. Ireland has committed to deliver up to 8GW of electricity through solar energy by 2030, and SEAI hopes that this map and its contents will inform and promote the solar energy potential of this country to a wider audience in pursuit of that target. This map will help to bring the general public up to speed and educate them about the nature and extent of Ireland’s solar energy resources.
What you will find in this map
The solar atlas for Ireland contains various “Solar Energy” layers detailing the different components of solar irradiance and solar generation potential for the country. These layers include:
- Global Horizontal Irradiation
- Diffuse Horizontal Irradiation
- Direct Normal Irradiation and
- Global Tilted Irradiation.
- PV Power Potential
- Optimum Tilt Angle
- Air Temperature
Further details on these layers can be find by visiting the Global Solar Atlas.
The ‘Solar Farm Locations’ layer includes the location for all solar farms that are currently generating and supplying electricity to the grid-connected, as well as solar farms that are currently in the development or planning phases. Details on grid-connected and planned solar farms are sourced from EirGrid and ESB Networks.
The ‘Solar Farm Summary’ tool provides aggregated information on all solar farms (both grid-connected and planned) and displays them as clusters on the map. These clusters can be disaggregated by zooming the map to different scales.
Future improvements/additions
- Regular updates of solar farm locations when new sites become grid-connected or contracted to EirGrid or ESB Networks.
The location of all sub-stations and their associated generation capacity as a reference layer.