
Achieving mode shift towards more sustainable and energy efficient modes of transport.

Project Insights

  • €611,653

    Total Project Costs
  • 3 yr

    Project Duration
  • 2021

    Year Funded

Project Description

The TRACT project will use the clear economies of scale to deliver a wholistic project that will use technology paired with motivation and nudging techniques to change transport behaviour and ultimately reduce emissions. TRACT has two distinctive trials, one which will focus on the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) and the second using the mobility hub

concept to encourage modal shift.

The e-mobility trial will consist of a TRACT smartphone app that will be developed to inform users about their driving behaviour and the impact of switching to an electric vehicle. Several specific use cases will be examined (those without driveways, taxi drivers, rural groups) to determine what would encourage them to switch.

The mobility-hub trial will combine the use of shared bikes, cars, active modes and public transport.

A suburban location will be selected, and shared cars and bikes (provided by partners Yuko & BleeperBike) will be located there, advertised and promoted to the community. This model has been shown to reduce car ownership and emissions internationally. The 18-month trial will enable the TRACT researchers to measure the impacts of these interventions.

The results from the trials will be extrapolated to the wider population to demonstrate what the potential emissions reduction could be in similar areas and user groups. A cost-effectiveness analysis, looking at wider economic benefits, will also be conducted at several stages of the project to feed into policymakers and inform local and national policy.

Project Details

Total Project Cost: €611,653

Funding Agency: DoT;SEAI

Year Funded: 2021

Lead Organisation: Trinity College Dublin

Collaborators: Bleeper; Transpoco; Yuko/Toyota Ireland; Smart Dublin (Dublin City Council); FREE NOW;; Nissan Ireland

Brian Caulfield

Lead Researcher