
Through modelling this project aims to investigate the wave-current interaction in Irish coastal ocean

Project Insights

  • €70,500

    Total Project Costs
  • 3 yr

    Project Duration
  • 2017

    Year Funded

Project Description

The overarching aim of the three-year PhD fellowship is to investigate the wave-current interaction in Irish coastal ocean through modelling. The models developed will be three-dimensional; however, the research will focus in particular on the interactions near seabed. Deliverables will include a numerical model able to simulate wave-current interactions with an application to Galway Bay and a study on the impacts of submerged structures on wave and current fields. The project will generate new information on coastal oceanography of Irish waters, specifically on the mutual impacts of waves and currents. It will lead to the improvement of predictive skills of both wave and hydrodynamic models in Irish waters and will allow better description and mapping of oceanographic features. Examples of end-users are scientists, biogeochemists, marine and coastal environment managers, marine renewable energy developers, navigation safety operators, the Coast Guard, operators of rescues at sea.

Project Details

Total Project Cost: €70,500

Funding Agency: Marine Institute

Year Funded: 2017

Lead Organisation: University College Dublin (UCD)

Frederic Dias

Lead Researcher