
This project concerns the development of a solution focused on optimising energy consumption of industries that pump significant volumes of water.

Project Insights

  • €82,454

    Total Project Costs
  • 1 yr

    Project Duration
  • 2015

    Year Funded

Project Description

A water processing system R&D prototype project that aims to test the feasibility of a water efficiency system technology (WatNos) developed by CIT, in combination with Irish Water and Cork CoCo, for trial testing in the Lee Road Water Treatment Plant. The technology aims to avoid high electricity tariffs, optimise energy usage and CO2 emissions, and enable significant system monitoring through determining future water pumping (load) scheduling and modelling of future climate impact on water reservoir levels. The results of the trial will inform the future commercial development of the technology.

Project Details

Total Project Cost: €82,454

Funding Agency: SEAI

Year Funded: 2015

Lead Organisation: Cork Institute of Technology

Partner Organisation(s): N/A

Richard Linger

Lead Researcher