
Wind deployment as part of a low carbon transition relies on the co-evolution of a wide range of issues, including technology, regulation, markets and social attitudes.

Project Insights

  • €46,916

    Total Project Costs
  • 1 yr

    Project Duration
  • 2015

    Year Funded

Project Description

This project provides an analysis of how wind energy has been discussed in Irish popular media since 2000, through an examination of broadsheet coverage, thereby exploring such media analysis as a tool for monitoring trends in social acceptance of wind. The end product will identify trends and the changing nature of framing applied to wind energy/ surrounding the main concerns and so provide insight into how wind energy propositions could be alternatively framed.

Project Details

Total Project Cost: €46,916

Funding Agency: SEAI

Year Funded: 2015

Lead Organisation: Queen's University Belfast

Partner Organisation(s): N/A

Prof. Geraint Ellis

Lead Researcher