
This project aims to deliver a new technology to generate Hydrogen from water using a new technology and novel materials where novel electrocatalytic polymeric materials will be designed and synthesised for generating hydrogen from water.

Project Insights

  • €128,956

    Total Project Costs
  • 2 yr

    Project Duration
  • 2015

    Year Funded

Project Description

To achieve security of energy supply and counteract climate change there is a need for the development of new carbon neutral, environmentally friendly and sustainable energy production methods. Such a development will be of great benefit in our battle to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The hydrogen economy has been proposed as a solution as it only produces water when burned. At present hydrogen is primarily produced from fossil fuels, a process that produces large amounts of CO2. This project aims to deliver a new technology, where novel electrocatalytic polymeric materials will be designed and synthesised for generating hydrogen from water.

Project Details

Total Project Cost: €128,956

Funding Agency: Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)

Year Funded: 2015

Lead Organisation: Dublin City University (DCU)

Mary Pryce

Lead Researcher