The annual conference aims to facilitate discussion on the role of energy research and policy in achieving Ireland’s long term clean energy goals. It takes place in September each year.

Why attend?

  • First class speakers
  • Networking opportunities
  • Leading research and policy insights
  • Thought provoking Q&A sessions

2024 Theme: Ireland 2050, our innovative energy future

This years conference discussed Ireland’s future energy system, opportunities for sustainable development, policy priorities, potential trade-offs, infrastructure requirements, international landscape and knowledge gaps.  

Guest Speakers

The 2024 conference featured guest speakers from a wide range of disciplines, outlining where we are now and where we need to focus our attention for an innovative energy future. We heard from policy makers, academic experts, energy industry and community representatives from Ireland, and internationally, who shared their research findings, policy ambitions and insights, and engaged in lively discussions, in the field of Ireland's future energy system.

View our speakers

Key aims of the conference

2024 Conference Resources

Missed the conference? Not to worry, you can watch it back and also access the various presentations delivered on the day.

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2023 Conference Resources

Watch the 2023 Conference recordings and read the Q&A responses!

Conference Recordings    Conference Q&A

2023 Conference Presentations & Posters

Poster Session

2022 National Energy Research and Policy Conference

Learn more about the conferences which took place during the online National Energy Research and Policy Conference in 2022 around the theme of Societal Transformation.

Watch here