EXEED is an exciting new program for incentivising, rewarding, and facilitating energy efficiency in businesses.

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Energy management at the forefront of design

Excellence in Energy Efficiency Design (EXEED) enables organisations establish a systematic approach to design, construction, and commissioning processes for new investments and upgrades to existing assets. The EXEED Certified program aims to influence and deliver new best practices in energy efficient design management. EXEED designs, verifies, and manages optimum energy performance and management at the earliest stages of the lifecycle. We also provide an EXEED grant scheme up to the value of €3,000,000 per year per project.

Visit our EXEED grant scheme page

Eligibility for EXEED

Projects eligible

EXEED is applicable to any sector, any organisation and any project. Projects can be of any scale or complexity, for example:

  • Greenfield design - a new asset separate from any prior work
  • Brownfield design - repurposing of an existing asset
  • Major energy upgrade to existing asset
  • Major renovation of existing assets

Assets eligible

EXEED applies a standardised process in energy efficient design management. Assets eligible for EXEED Certification must:

  • Have a physical boundary that fully incorporates the system(s)
  • Have an energy balance which includes all energy sources, energy use and energy demand
  • Encompass all energy services (i.e. desired outcomes requiring energy consumption)

EXEED Certified Distinctions

The three distinctions provide levels of assurance of sustained energy savings.

EXEED Designed

Certifies the asset as designed, constructed, commissioned and operational. Also incorporates handover to the owner/operator.

EXEED Verified

Certifies the asset against measured and verified energy performance with quantified avoided energy consumption substantiated.

EXEED Managed

Certifies the asset at full operational conditions. It incorporates the requirements of energy management and continual improvement of energy performance.

EXEED registered certification body

Registered certification bodies shall meet the requirements of the EXEED program competency framework including:

  • Accreditation by the Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) or equivalent to international standard ISO50001
  • Meet competency requirements to audit measurement and verification plans and reports

Please contact us for further information on becoming a registered certification body.

As of August 2021, there are currently two certification bodies offering EXEED certification:


Certification documents

Please hover over the document name and click to download.

Document name and link Description

EXEED Designed Requirements

This document sets out the requirements of the EXEED Designed standard (6 pages).

Certification against the EXEED Designed standard is the minimum certification necessary following participation in the EXEED Certified grant scheme. This level of certification can be achieved following commissioning and handover of the asset.

EXEED Verified Requirements

This document sets out the requirements of the EXEED Verified standard (2 pages).

This is the second distinction of EXEED certification available and can be achieved following implementation of the Measurement and Verification plan for an asset.

EXEED Managed Requirements

This document sets out the requirements of the EXEED Managed standard (2 pages).

This is the final distinction of EXEED certification available and is closely aligned with ISO 50001 implementation.

EXEED Certified Requirements Additional Guidance Document

This document contains additional guidance information relating to EXEED Design, Verified, and Managed Certification.

Why EXEED is the best option to decarbonise your business.

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Contact us

Email:  exeed@seai.ie
Tel:      01 808 2162