Energy management systems and ISO 50001
Find out about the standards that ensure an organisation has the specific requirements for their energy management system.
Energy management systems
An Energy Management System (EnMS) is a process for continually improving energy performance. Suitable for all organisations, whatever the size or sector, it is particularly beneficial if you operate energy intensive processes.
Establishing an EnMS requires you to:
- Develop and implement an energy policy
- Identify your main energy users
- Set energy objectives and measurable targets
- Implement and operate programmes to meet these objectives and targets
- Check and take corrective action as required
- Review your system continually and improve where possible
Continual improvement ensures you remain alert for new opportunities as they arise and exploit all areas where energy savings can be achieved.
Benefits of an EnMS
Main benefits
- Best practice energy management embedded in your day-to-day operations
- Improves your performance and productivity
- Reduces your energy costs
- Ensures continual improvement
- Ensures senior management commitment and that all staff play a role
- Helps you to comply with your energy efficiency and emission reduction obligations
- Standardises processes so that improvements are sustained over time
Long term results
- Reducing your overall energy use
- Cutting your costs year on year
- Meeting your carbon abatement obligations
- Influencing the energy requirements of the entire value chain
- Demonstrating publicly your corporate social responsibility
How does it work?
- Commit: Commitment from top management and establish an energy management team
- Identify: Establish a baseline, assess your current energy use and your areas of energy use
- Plan: Establish Action Plan & key opportunities
- Take action: Implement action plans
- Document: Report and review your success
Standards for energy management
The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies. It enables organisations to establish systems and processes to help improve performance.
ISO 50001
The international standard ISO 50001 specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system. Before its introduction, the standard EN 16001 was best practice for energy management.
It specifies requirements for:
- Measurement
- Documentation and reporting
- Design and procurement practices for equipment
- Systems, processes and personnel that contribute to energy performance
This standard does not give specific performance criteria for energy use. To purchase ISO 50001 Guidelines go to the NSAI site or email NSAI.
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