Learn about the different roles required in a successful sustainable energy community.

Main roles in your community energy project

There are a number of different roles involved in delivering a successful energy project. Sometimes these are filled by different people and sometimes people take on more than one role. These roles evolve and are more structured when you start your energy master plan. The key roles are:

  • Community committee
  • Wider community
  • Mentor
  • Consultant
Start an energy community

SEC committee functions

At different stages in your project your SEC committee can have many functions:

  • Steering committee of the energy project process
  • Engagement of the wider community in developing your community charter
  • Applying for energy master plan grant
  • Procuring the energy master plan consultant

Common type of committees

  • Tidy Towns Committee
  • Community Development Committee
  • Residents Association
  • A Local Authority
  • Community Council, Housing Association or a sub committee of these.


Wider community role

The wider community is essential to the success of the community project. They will be involved in gathering information needed to build your Energy Master Plan. Householders, businesses, not-for-profit organisations and  community services all form part of the wider community. They might be participate by attending meetings, filling out surveys, sharing energy bills or getting energy audits done.

The community has the ability to lead, influence, engage and enable the local citizens. Most communities use several ways to engage from hosting local meetings, facebook, newsletters and local newspapers to tell the local community energy story and invite wider participation in the project.

Your Energy Matters facebook group

Mentor role

Your SEAI mentor is there to guide your sustainable energy community through the stages of development. This includes:

  • Recruiting new members to the SEC Network
  • Sharing success stories from the earlier network members
  • Explaining the benefits and supports available to support your project
  • Providing introductions and site visits to communities of interest
  • Supporting through your energy master plan grant application and to prepare the energy master plan 

There is also help available in hosting community events, engaging your wider community and on financial grants available that may help you deliver your energy project.

About SEAI Mentor Support

Consultant role

The consultant role is decided by the community and depends on the type of energy master plan that suits your community. The responsibility of the consultant usually includes a review of national statistics, any local energy information, BER analysis of the homes in the area, audits and desk studies. The SEC Handbook includes more detailed information on how to different sectors of your community can take part in the process.