Register for an SEAI free teacher workshop. Choose from online and face to face. Help bring the subject of energy into the classroom.

Primary Teacher Workshop

Tools to teach energy in the classroom

Book a free workshop and learn how to use the Primary Science resources in the classroom. This one hour workshop will give you all the tools you need to teach energy and sustainability in the SESE curriculum.

We will explain the key features of the resources including interactive whiteboard use, inquiry based science approaches and the spiral nature of the programme.

Workshop format

The workshop can be done as part of your schools planning day or Croke Park hours. This is subject to school management approval in accordance with DES circulars.

The session will take the following format:

  • Demonstration of a simple classroom investigation and the associated interactive whiteboard resource.
  • Overview of the programme; its structure, resources, curriculum links, skills development and the various types of science investigations involved.
  • Demonstration of how the interactive whiteboard resources can be used to:
  • Promote classroom discussion.
  • Aid with the exploring, planning and evaluation stages in a Design and Make activity.
  • An inquiry based science lesson in action. The teachers get to design and carry out an investigation in groups and record and communicate their findings.
  • Demonstration of a Teacher-led investigation and overview of other SEAI workshops and resources.

Duration and location

The is a one hour workshop and can be held after school hours in your school.

Numbers required in person
We request that schools have a minimum of 10 teachers and a maximum of 20 to participate in the training. Smaller schools in the same area have the opportunity to join together and larger schools can be split into two groups if required.

Contact us if you are interested in an online workshop

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Post Primary Teacher Workshop

These workshops were developed in collaboration with the JCT STE(A)M initiative

Workshop 1: Energy Efficiency

An introduction to energy efficiency across the energy strands of the Junior Cycle Science specification.  It covers the following learning outcomes:

  • PW 7 – Design, build and test a device that transforms energy from one form to another in order to perform a function; describe the energy changes and ways of improving efficiency
  • PW6 – Explain energy conservation and analyse processes in terms of energy changes and dissipation
  • OS 10 – Appreciate the role of science in society; and its personal, social and global importance; and how society influences scientific research.

Download the Energy Efficiency presentation

Workshop 2: Sustainable Solutions

Teachers will learn about the meaning of sustainability and be able to differentiate between economic, environmental and social sustainability.  They will learn how small, individual choices that they make daily can affect the sustainability of energy resources used and will be  more aware of the consequences of their choices on the secondary effects of climate change. Teachers will be better equipped to share their knowledge on sustainability with their students, back in the classroom.

The workshop covers the following learning outcomes:

  • Science EaS7: Illustrate how earth processes and human factors influence the Earth's climate, evaluate effects of climate change and initiatives that attempt to address those effects
  • Science CW10: Evaluate how humans contribute to sustainability through the extraction, use, disposal, and recycling of materials
  • Home Economics 2.7: Identify how individuals, families and households can contribute to sustainable and responsible living
  • Home Economics: 1.15 Investigate the impact of their food choices from an ecological and ethical perspective
  • Geography: 2.6 Examine the causes and implications of climate change
  • Maths: U.7 make sense of a given problem, and if necessary mathematise a situation

Download the Sustainable Solutions presentation

Attendance at the workshops can contribute to Croke Park hours, at the discretion of school management approval in accordance with DES circulars.

Workshop 3: Our Energy Matters

In this interactive workshop we will evaluate how our everyday actions contribute to energy use.  Participants will also explore what their key drivers are in conscious decision making around energy use.  The workshop provides teachers with ideas for classroom based activities around the topic of energy efficiency and sustainable energy.  Learning outcomes from Home Economics, Maths, Science and Geography are all touched on during the workshop.

Download the Our Energy Matters presentation

Duration and location

The above 3 workshops are 1 hour workshop and can be held at a time that suits teachers either in person or online.

Numbers required
We request that schools have a minimum of 10 teachers and a maximum of 25 to participate in the training. Schools are encouraged to cluster to achieve minimum numbers.

Contact us if you are interested in an online workshop

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Absolutely wonderful workshop by Una. Have recommended the workshop to all of my colleagues
Anna Redfern, Teacher, Villiers School, Limerick