In this page you will find our main reports, guides and infographics.
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SEAI works with Government, citizens, businesses, and communities to help achieve Ireland’s clean energy transition. Sustainable energy improves people’s lives, brings comfort and convenience, and addresses environmental challenges.
SEAI's new strategy envisions an Ireland where energy is sustainable, secure and clean. SEAI will seek to ensure citizens play an active role in the transition to a low carbon economy and a healthier future.
This annual publication from SEAI presents national energy statistics on energy production and consumption in Ireland. It shows the trends in energy use and provides updates on Ireland's progress towards EU energy and climate targets.
This is the ninth annual report on the energy efficiency performance of Government Departments and public bodies in Ireland. It is set in the context of Ireland’s EU and national commitments and wider energy and climate change goals.
To better understand retrofitting from the perspective of the Irish homeowner, we initially developed a retrofitting customer journey, outlining the common steps, decision points and frictions that affect homeowners looking to retrofit their homes in Ireland.
This guide is designed to help you, as an owner or manager of a small business, to improve your energy management practices.
Replacing a conventional heating system with a heat pump system can transform the comfort levels in the home while reducing running costs, energy usage and harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
Adding modern heating controls can help you to accurately match your space heating and hot water schedules to the working and living patterns in your home.
This best practice guide will help your business through the key considerations for switching your business vehicles to electric. It will help you understand the multiple benefits of this rapidly advancing technology and how best to adopt it for your business needs.