
This project address the utilisation of energy in the milk production process

Project Insights

  • €48,774

    Total Project Costs
  • 1 yr

    Project Duration
  • 2017

    Year Funded

Project Description

This project aims to develop a decision support system for optimal energy use in dairy production. This is particularly pertinent given national targets to increase milk production with the abolition of milk quota's while maintaining strong sustainability credentials of the Irish dairy industry. The project outputs will inform government policy in relation to energy utilisation in dairy production. It will also inform farm managers of optimal operation strategies to reduce energy consumption for on-farm milk production systems and for increasing renewable generation. Farm managers will be able to access the decision-support tool through an on-line open-source web app, which will result in the immediate application of best practice guidelines in energy utilisation on Irish dairy farms. Teagasc are collaborating with the project in terms of using its commercial farm network as a test-bed for the application of the sensor networks and disseminating the tool.

Project Details

Total Project Cost: €48,774

Funding Agency: SEAI

Year Funded: 2017

Lead Organisation: Cork Institute of Technology

Partner Organisation(s): N/A

Dr Michael Murphy

Lead Researcher

Expertise: Dairy Energy Optimisation; Building Energy; Energy Modelling; Energy Storage; Demand Side Management

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