
BERWow is a web-based application that will help homeowners interpret their BER and help achieve the best possible energy performance for their home.

Project Insights

  • €150,400

    Total Project Costs
  • 1 yr

    Project Duration
  • 2017

    Year Funded

Project Description

Using SEAI's BER dataset, this project involves further developing a web-based application to increase uptake of deep retrofit measures. The overall objective is to allow homeowners and estate agents to access BER data for specific dwellings and access information on recommended deep retrofit measures. The tool will provide information on payback for investments that will inform decision-making as well as ancillary benefits such as comfort and health benefits. The project aligns well with SEAI objectives on deep retrofit and improving accessibility and use of datasets held by public sector bodies.

Project Details

Total Project Cost: €150,400

Funding Agency: SEAI

Year Funded: 2017

Lead Organisation: IHER Energy Services Limited

Partner Organisation(s): N/A

Michael Hanratty

Lead Researcher