
It is absolutely critical that installations are reliable, efficient and do not have a negative impact on air quality

Project Insights

  • €53,781

    Total Project Costs
  • 2 yr

    Project Duration
  • 2018

    Year Funded

Project Description

This proposal is to implement a professional accreditation body for biomass designers and installers, similar to where gas appliances may only be installed and serviced by Registered Gas Installers. The project's aim is to set up similar requirements for those engaged in biomass boiler design, installation and maintenance. The project will bring together key experts and stakeholders to draw up guidelines for installations and requirements for professionals who wish to be accredited. Once this is agreed it is then proposed to implement the programme and begin registering practitioners.

Project Details

Total Project Cost: €53,781

Funding Agency: SEAI

Year Funded: 2018

Lead Organisation: Irish BioEnergy Association

Seán Finan

Lead Researcher