Heat pumping technology collaboration programme
The Heat Pump Technologies TCP is an international information service for heat pumping technologies, applications and markets.
Executive Committee
The goal is to accelerate the implementation of heat pumps and related heat pumping technologies, including air conditioning and refrigeration.
Heat pumping technologies are the cornerstone for a secure, affordable, high-efficiency, clean and netzero emission energy system for heating, cooling and refrigeration. The HPT TCP generates and communicates information, expertise and knowledge related to heat pumping technologies as well as enhances international collaboration.
The HPT TCP Executive Committee Representatives for Ireland are Mr. Peter Kehoe (SEAI) and Dr. Niamh O'Sullivan (SEAI).
For further information, please visit the IEA HPT TCP webpage.
Peter Kehoe
Programme Manager - Decarbonised Heat
Peter Kehoe
Programme Manager - Decarbonised Heat
Peter is Programme Manager for Decarbonised Heat & Cooling Programme with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland. Initially qualifying as a Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineer, Peter now holds a Masters in Sustainable Energy Systems from the University of Edinburgh and is a Chartered Engineer. Peter joined SEAI in 2022 and has over 10 years’ experience in the Energy & Utility sector, delivering infrastructure projects and consultancy across public and private sector.
Contact: peter.kehoe@seai.ie
Niamh O'Sullivan
Senior Heat Decarbonisation Specialist, Heat and Bioenergy
Niamh O'Sullivan
Senior Heat Decarbonisation Specialist, Heat and Bioenergy
Dr. Niamh O’Sullivan is a Senior Specialist in the Decarbonised Heat Team with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland. Niamh holds a degree and PhD in geology/geophysics from Trinity College Dublin and a Certificate in Renewable energy from DKIT. Niamh has over ten years of experience in applied technology and research, including geospatial data analytics and modelling. Since joining SEAI in 2020, she has worked in the Research, Development and Demonstration Team before joining the Decarbonised Heat Team. She is a Professional Member of the Institute of Geologists Ireland (EurGeol PGeo).
Contact: niamh.osullivan@seai.ie
The objective of this project is to address the issues described under “Background” by developing evidence of the practical feasibility and satisfactory operation of a range of installed retrofit systems in large non-domestic buildings in a number of countries, together with insights into the thinking that led to the choice of system.
The Representatives for Annex 60 are Dr. Luis Miguel Blanes Restoy (University of Galway) and Dr. Marcus M. Keane (University of Galway).
For further information about the Task, please visit the Annex 60 IEA HPT TCP webpage.
Participate in the HTP TCP
Interested in representing Ireland in an IEA Technology Collaboration Programme? Find out about our appointment process.
Learn more about Participate in the HTP TCP