GEBTechTM (Green Energy Boosting Technology): A novel treatment for farm slurries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to generate energy
There is a clear need for effective, affordable interventions and products to promote sustainable energy production and to mitigate GHG emissions
Project Insights
Total Project Costs -
3 yr
Project Duration -
Year Funded
Project Description
Westway Health (WWH), has developed GEBTechTM, a natural, broad-spectrum, antimicrobial agent, which has been extensively tested and proven safe for humans, animals and the environment. GEBTechTM may be used as an additive to reduce natural decomposition and methane emissions from stored slurry and manures, thus significantly increasing the energy potential of these materials when used as a feedstock for anaerobic digestion (AD). GEBTechTM has a temporary effect, meaning that cessation of treatment prior to AD, will result in a slurry without any antimicrobial activity, and thus no negative impact on AD microbial communities and performance. This project proposes to investigate the effect of GEBTechTM as an additive for farm slurries on: (i) biogas production, (ii) greenhouse gas emissions from stored slurry and (iii) the potential for the resultant digestate for use as a natural, enhanced low-carbon fertiliser. The proposed research will first optimise of GEBTechTM reaction cocktails for inhibition of methanogenesis and ammonification in slurries and manures. The most appropriate means of delivery of the technology to slurry during storage will be determined and the emissions of GHG and NH3 during winter storage of slurry treated with GEBTechTM will be measured at a specialised slurry storage facility located in the Teagasc Johnstown Castle Research Centre. The biogas potential of treated and untreated stored slurry during batch and continuous AD will be determined at bench- and pilot-scale at NUI Galway. Following this, the emissions of GHG, NH3 and agronomic performance following land-spreading of resultant (AD) digestate to grassland will be measured.
Project Details
Total Project Cost: €333,025
Funding Agency: SEAI
Year Funded: 2018
Lead Organisation: Westway Health
Partner Organisation(s): National University of Ireland Galway; Teagasc