
This project investigates suitable non-residential charging infrastructure and charging strategies to support Electric Vehicle (EV) fleets in Ireland

Project Insights

  • €79,835

    Total Project Costs
  • 1 yr

    Project Duration
  • 2019

    Year Funded

Project Description

Ireland has set a target for savings estimates for Electric Vehicle (EV) deployment by 2020, (Ireland's second National Energy Efficiency Action Plan to 2020, p26). Electric Vehicle (EV) charging is EC Charging's business, with over 500 charge points now deployed in Ireland, the UK, Norway, Germany and Dubai, providing EV drivers with a network of EV Charging facilities. EC Charging is committed to expanding the use of EVs and being a proactive, innovative partner in delivering long-term, sustainable solutions. One of the recognised barriers to the adoption of EVs by consumers is range anxiety: drivers worry that they will run out of charge before reaching a chargepoint. This project proposes the development and deployment of an EV Charging solution contained within a street light (“Charge & Light”). This project aims to: 1) Accelerate development and deployment of a competitive, sustainable system that will help achieve Ireland's 2020 NEEAP and NREAP targets by facilitating the adoption of EVs; 2) Remove barriers to growth by developing an EV Charge Point integrated into existing and new Street Lights addressing the specific challenge of range anxiety. 3) Deliver a solution that will set a standard EV charging and processing for Ireland and internationally. The overall project goal is to develop a commercial product (EV Charge & Light) that will deliver significant benefits to the market within 12 months.

Project Details

Total Project Cost: €79,835

Funding Agency: SEAI

Year Funded: 2019

Lead Organisation: EC Charging

Collaborators: Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Co Co

Theresa Keady

Lead Researcher