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  1. Project Final Report

    ... D Funding Programme Final Report Template Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland National Energy Research Development Demonstration Funding Programme FINAL REPORT TEMPLATE SECTION 1 PROJECT DETAILS ...

  2. Project Final Report

    ... Funding Programme FINAL REPORT TEMPLATE SECTION 1 PROJECT DETAILS FOR PUBLICATION M itigation of A ir P ollution Impacts of Irish H eavy D uty Project Title V ehicles MAP HDV Lead Grantee ...

  3. Project Final Report

    ... Funding Programme FINAL REPORT H2 2021 SECTION 1 PROJECT DETAILS Table 1 1 Summary of Project Details Characterisation of Shallow Geothermal Properties Project Title ShallowTHERM Lead Applicant ...

  4. SEAI Annual Report 2013

    Report 2013 OUR MISSION ole Playing a leading r orming Ireland in transf y based on into a societ gy sustainable ener ies structures technolog tices and prac CONTENTS Chairperson s Statement 02 ...

  5. Project Final Report

    ... Funding Programme FINAL REPORT TEMPLATE SECTION 1 PROJECT DETAILS FOR PUBLICATION Project Title A novel technology to maximise biofuel efficiency Lead Grantee Organisation Nektr Technologies Ltd ...

  6. Project Final Report

    ... wind farms and electricity export A discrete choice econometric approach Report Name Social acceptability of wind farms and electricity export A discrete choice econometric approach Report to ...

  7. Project Final Report

    ... Campus Adam O Donovan Senior Postdoctoral Researcher Paul O Sullivan Principal Investigator August 2021 Department of Process Energy and Transport Engineering School of Mechanical Electrical and ...

  8. Project Final Report

    ... Number RDD 377 Technical report June 2020 NUI Galway 17 06 2019 Executive Summary Wastewater treatment aeration energy consumption is significant and accounts for a notable portion of a developed ...

  9. Interface Analysis and report for incorporation and alignment of data from biomethane study into RHI

    ... Interface analysis and report for incorporation and alignment of data from biomethane study into RHI workstream Final Report for Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland January 2017 Element ...

  10. Project Final Report

    ... Funding Programme FINAL REPORT DigiBlocks SECTION 1 PROJECT DETAILS FOR PUBLICATION DigiBlocks Digitising District Energy Performance Project Title Assessment using Blockchain Lead Grantee ...
